Countdown to Christmas: The fitness challenge

If you’re like me, you like to eat everything on Christmas, and I mean EVERYTHING… Starters, mains, desserts, you name it! It’s a day that dieting goes out of the window (and I know I’m not alone), but I must admit, the binge is a lot sweeter if I’ve trained well in the lead up to Christmas…

Since the gyms in the UK have finally opened (thanks Boris 🙄) and with less than a month to go until the 25th, it means we have to put in some extra work to enjoy the goodies this Christmas. I know it sounds counter-productive to workout just to reward yourself with a binge on Christmas day but at least that way you won’t be rolling into the new year! If you don’t have a gym membership right now I may have a cheeky plug for you which I’ll link at the end! Times are tough, so a freebie is always appreciated!

With these dark eves and colder days, it’s harder to stay motivated. I’ve decided to set a mini challenge for the lead-up to Christmas. In hindsight, I should have started this challenge on the 1st, but you’re getting it now so feel free to backtrack if you want an extra challenge!

Key terms to know:

EMOM - Every Minute On the Minute

AMRAP - As Many Rounds As Possible






1st: Wall sit, plank, Skip (can be air skip) - one min each

2nd: Alternate lunges, air punches, air squats - Two mins each

3rd: Donkey kicks, Single leg seated squat, Side raises - Three reps each side

4th: Burpees, pushups, shuttle runs - 4 each

5th: Jump Squats, Box / step jumps, situps - 5 each

6th: Star jumps, burpees, walking planks - 6 each

7th: Pushups, tricep dips, air squats - 7 each

8th: Lunge step-ups, shuttle runs, jump squats - 8 each

9th: Air punches, high knees, walking lunges - 3 round of 3 minutes

10th: Burpees, pushups, jumping squats - 10 each

11th: Sit-ups, walking plank, star jumps - 11 each

12th: Hip thrusts, scissor kicks, bicycle crunches - 12 each

13th: Tricep dips, spiderman, jumping lunges - 13 each

14th: Shuttle runs, jumping squats, Russian twists - 14 each

15th: High knees, donkey kicks, alternate lunges - EMOM 15 mins (5 rounds)

16th: Side plank (left), bicycle crunches, low scissor kicks, side plank (right) - EMOM 16 minutes (4 rounds)

17th: Burpees, air squats, box jumps: 17 each

18th: Star jumps, pushups, Russian twists - 18 each

19th: Skipping, hip thrusts, shuttle runs - 19 each

20th: Plank, air squat, lunge step-ups, burpees - EMOM 20 mins (5 rounds)

21: Shuttle runs, walking plank, dips - 10 each AMRAP (21 mins)

22: Burpees, Russian twists, hip thrusts - 22 each

23: Air punches, jumping lunges, press-ups - 23 each

24: Wall sits, plank, sit-ups, box jumps - EMOM 24 mins (6 rounds)

25th: Christmas Day!!!! RELAX




This can be done as a bare minimum or as an add-on to your workouts! It can be done at home or at the gym, so do whatever suits you and feel free to adapt where you see fit! Enjoy and good luck!

🎁🎁🎁 FREEBIE 🎁🎁🎁

The Gym Group are offering a FREE 2-week off-peak pass to help people feel better after an atrocious year. You can claim this NOW by entering the code “MESETPASS” on their website (don’t say I’m not the plug). To sign up or find out more info, click here.

If you liked this, you can try my Circuit Training exercises for every level workout, my November fitness challenge or my booty boost exercises! If you’re unsure on how to do an exercises, do not hesitate to contact me! Otherwise, google is free!

Liz x

P.s Hopefully you like my attempt of a Christmas tree LOL ( scroll back up and look).

Lizzie Hax