5 ways to feed your happiness.

Hey peeps! We’re still hanging in there so well done and keep going! I know it’s been a long road but the road is looking hopeful now that we have a possible end date to this ongoing lockdown... Fingers crossed at least!

Until then, I thought I’d share with you 5 ways to feed your happiness so that we can remain in a good headspace each day.

Happiness doesn’t come from external projections, so it’s important to do things that make YOU feel good!

Here are my 5 simple, but effective ways to achieve this.

1: Go outside and soak in the sun!

Whether you’re a sunrise or sunset kinda person, NOW is the time to appreciate the world and its nature. Not only does it boost your mood when you’re outside and taking in the sunlight, but you allow yourself time to take in the simple beauty of life. Personally, my daily morning walks give me the energy I need for the day! The morning air is the perfect way to feel refreshed quickly and there's something about listening to nature and hearing the birds tweeting as the sun rises (which is currently around 6:45 am in London) that brings solace and peace to your day.

From a scientific point of view, getting more sunlight is a no-brainer as it encourages the body to release serotonin (a happy endorphin) which is a natural mood booster! As the days get longer and the sun shines brighter, I can already notice the mood being uplifted for many. Even if early morning walks aren’t your thing, the days are bright and you can’t help but feel better once you return!

2: Limit your socials

I know I always bang on about this but it’s for a reason! Social media can be a great place, but also one that takes out your time and productiveness. With so much instant access at our fingertips, an innocent pree can end up being hours on end which can be damaging to our mental state.

Try to limit your screen time and live more in the real world. Pick up a book, go for a walk, have a real-life conversation but don’t let social media consume you. I’ll admit I can be a bit of an addict at times, but I’m limiting my usage and posting and going where possible. I’m trying to be on apps as little as possible so that I can apply my time more effectively. It’s helping! For those who are really struggling with limiting your activity and increased distractions, consider downloading a screen time app to monitor your usage. Remember, everything is good in moderation!

3: Make memories and jot them down so that you can refer back to them.

This is something I’d recommend you add to your routine if you don’t already do it. It can be in the form of journalling, typing into notes, or whatever, but keep a note of your memories - especially the good days- so that you can reflect back and jog the good times. It’s also worth noting where you were, what you were doing, and in what company because there will be a time you’ll feel low and want to find your happy place again. We often do similar things when we’re in a happy space, but we may not be conscious of what it is that makes us feel good which makes it harder when we’re not feeling so good. By making conscious notes to your future self, it’s easier to tap back into that space.

4: Do things that make you feel good: Call people, smile, daily positive affirmations, self-care!

The key to happiness is to seek it from within. Happiness doesn’t come from external projections, so it’s important to do things that make YOU feel good! These are usually things that make us feel relaxed, loved, or appreciated. Things like positive daily affirmations set the tone for the day, and a smile always goes a long way (even if it’s just to you in the mirror).

Something I do to feel good is a little pamper day from time to time. It’ll usually be on the weekend and I’ll put on a face mask, light some candles, and vibes to good music. Make sure you priorities your happiness always and don’t forget to love yourself first!

5: Prepare for the best, not worst.

We always get told to prepare for the worst and hope for the best, but in doing that you’re already setting the tone for disappointment. Consider flipping the scrip to prepare for the best and manage the worst so that we can make the best of each opportunity! Greatness usually happens when opportunity meets preparation but if you’re not prepared for the greatness to come, you might just fumble the blessing. Be optimistic about life and change your response to things so that you focus on the great and process the worst more healthily.

If you do these things, you’ll start to feel so much better about yourself and life. Trust me, I’m proof… A sis is glowing like never before because I’m tapped into my happiness every day. The real tea is that the glow comes from within! Although we may have a few more months in lockdown, but whilst we wait, we can be growing and glowing too!

Have a great day!

Liz x