How to boost your immune system at home.

With the whole world pretty much on lockdown, and with strict instructions to stay at home, many people will want to ensure they are healthy as possible. As the threat of catching COVID-19 continues to intensify, it’s important to boost your immune system now more than ever.

Although there is no scientific proof that you can “boost” your immune in the literal sense, there are certainly ways to improve it slightly or at the very least, maintain a healthy and functioning immune system.

What does your immune system do and why do people have a weaker immune? 🦠

The immune system is your body’s way of fighting infections and illness. It is made up of different cells and molecules such as antibodies. White blood cells are cells that detect and kill infected cells and thus stop the growth of infection.

The white blood cells are split into different cells such as macrophages, monocytes, and neutrophils. Your neutrophils (which make up roughly half of your white blood cells) are usually the first cells to respond to a bacteria or virus. Cells such as T-cells (that kill infected cells) and B-cells (that produce antibodies and help T-cells be efficient) – also known as lymphocytes are a secondary defense. There are a few more cells but all you need to know is that the white blood cells have an important role in keeping you well.

Some people will be immunocompromised (a word you’ve probably heard a lot over the last few weeks) due to underlying conditions such as diseases, cancer patients undergoing treatment and those who have had transplants – to name a few. There are other factors such as genetics and age that may also impact a person’s immune system and if you’re like me, you’ll want to know how to keep yours at its best.

So how can we do this from home? 🏠

Diet! This will be the most effective in ensuring your body has what it needs.

Vitamin B, especially B12 include:

Dairy, seeds, nuts, whole grains, legumes, greens, and fruits.

Vitamin C:

This is very important so make sure you’re getting in your fruits such as oranges, berries, lemons, and kiwi. A boost in Vitamin C, in short, helps boost the productivity of your white blood cells which fight infection such as viruses. Other foods include tomatoes, peppers (green and red), broccoli and cabbage.

Vitamin D:

As we know, lack of sun leads to vitamin D deficiency and this can weaken the immune system. Foods that will help include, fatty fish, eggs, milk, cheese, mushrooms, and tofu. Whilst the sun is showing its face for once (the irony) try and sit in your garden to get in some sunlight whilst you can.

Supplements 💊:

Although supplements should not be your main source of vitamins, these may help boost where food is not enough. There’s no harm in taking a vitamin C tablet here and there, iron (if needed), Zink, etc.

Fluids and Sleep 🛌🚰:

Good fluid intake and sleep will also have a positive effect so make sure you’re drinking loads and sleeping (although I seem to have increased my sleep amongst this epidemic) so that your body has time to recover and hydrate.

During sickness, this is the best way to flush it out of your system (without medication) so have loads of hot fluids such as lemon and soups, lots of rest, water… and a mini face steam with a dash of tee tree oil always helps!

Exercise 🏃:

Lastly, exercise is great so utilise the one daily exercise (with social distancing, of course) where you can. Ideally, staying at home is the goal, so if you have a garden, exercise from there. There are loads of home exercises available too and I have a few you can do (you can also check out my exercises on here or message me for some) so you can still work a sweat from the comfort of your living room.

Not only does this improve your fitness, breathing, and overall health, but exercise is known for its positives in reducing stress thanks to the happy endorphins that it releases. Stress is also a factor in reducing your immune system, so a little exercise is always advised.

Overall, your body needs a well balanced diet, which doesn’t mean you have to skip on those treats! As long as you’re looking after your body, giving it the protein, fat, carbs, greens, and fluids it needs, it will look after you!

As always, I hope this helps and I wish you all good health! S/O to my doctor friends especially Doctor Tari for picking up my calls 😂. For those of you currently suffering from the coronavirus, I wish you a speedy recovery! Remember, it’s important to look after yourself and increase your fluids but most importantly - STAY AT HOME.

Fortunately, I remain in good health but I was seriously sick at the start of January. My doc put it down to viral tonsillitis but the more I think about it, I’m certain it was a version of this Coronavirus. I wrote about it here, so feel free to read about how I overcame one of the worst illnesses I’ve ever had.

Liz x